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  • SSL Certificates

SSL certificates secure your website from third parties and ensure that the information sent between you and your customers is encrypted. They are commonly used by banks, email servers, ecommerce websites and companies that want to ensure complete privacy in their online transactions.

Danipa offers SSL certificates from leading industry certificate authorities.


Comodo is a leading global provider of Digital Security, Identity and Trust Assurance services that include a comprehensive portfolio of High-Assurance Digital Certificates

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VeriSign provides Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates and more in a single solution. The first Certificate Authority to provide SSL in 1995, VeriSign remains the leading provider of the most trusted solution for online security and helps assure customers that they are safe from search to browse to buy and sign-in.

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GeoTrust® is the world's second largest digital certificate provider. More than 100,000 customers in over 150 countries trust GeoTrust to secure online transactions and conduct business over the Internet. GeoTrust's world-class SSL Certificates offer fast delivery at a cost-effective price, enabling up to 256-bit SSL encryption, and include a range of GeoTrust® True Site Seals based on the level of identity verification.

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Thawte was the first certificate authority to issue SSL certificates to public entities outside of the United States, quickly accounting for 40% of the global SSL market. In 2000, Thawte was acquired by VeriSign, Inc. and has become a key member of the VeriSign family of trust brands. To date, Thawte has issued more than 945,000 SSL and code signing certificates since 1995, protecting identities and transactions in over 240 countries.

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